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How to Position Your Toilet Roll Holder in Modern Bathroom Design!

The humble toilet roll holder is not something most people think about most days—I do, but it’s my job! When it comes to modern bathroom design, if you get the toilet roll position right and choose the correct one for the job, you’ll rarely think about it. Get it wrong, and it could ruin a bathroom design.

Take this design from a few years ago.

The WC position and style of unit meant the only toilet roll positions available were on the rear wall (too far to twist around), a freestanding version (messy looking… see more on this below), or something fixed or glued to the side of a new vanity unit (just no, please don’t do it!).

The answer is to incorporate a toilet roll unit with a custom bathroom WC unit, like the one pictured below.

Ideally, the toilet is positioned near a corner, close to a wall – not too close, so you knock the roll off the holder every time you get up, but close enough to reach.

So why not a freestanding holder? Well, unless you have a lovely traditional Victorian bathroom, a freestanding holder will just look out of place, collect dust, and be very unhygienic compared to a nice wall-mounted version. It’s something your bathroom designer should be thinking about… we do!

Toilet roll holder designs vary greatly these days! Call into one of our showrooms to see options with ledges and covers, and of course, in many different finishes!

Ledges for phones. If you really insist on bringing your phone with you, please work out your hand washing routine carefully!

Covers for toilet roll holders are great. Yes, they may be another surface to clean, but they act as a ‘brake’ for the toilet paper. With a smooth single-handed action, you can pull out a couple of sections, and then a sharper tug will break the paper’s perforation without having to twist your arm or your whole body to reach over with two hands. I suppose you could still have your phone in your free hand (please don’t!)

To summarise, call into Wharf where we think about bathroom (and kitchen) layouts and designs more than is probably healthy!

Oh, and the correct answer is below – in case you were wondering over or under.

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